天野倉さん、跳ねた攻めた プロに強気、「望外の3回戦」へ 第14回朝日杯将棋、アマ2人の戦い:朝日新聞デジタル

第14回朝日杯将棋オープン戦1次予選 佐藤秀司八段 vs 天野倉優臣アマ

続きを読む 天野倉さん、跳ねた攻めた プロに強気、「望外の3回戦」へ 第14回朝日杯将棋、アマ2人の戦い:朝日新聞デジタル

渡辺大夢五段が高野智史五段に勝利 二次予選進出決定/将棋・朝日杯 | ABEMA TIMES

第14回朝日杯将棋オープン戦1次予選 渡辺大夢五段 vs 高野智史五段
初手は、▲高野智五段 2六歩、△渡辺大五段 8四歩

続きを読む 渡辺大夢五段が高野智史五段に勝利 二次予選進出決定/将棋・朝日杯 | ABEMA TIMES

News from Bremen, Bremerhaven and vice versa

Без кейворда.

4502 posts, page 1 of 501.

Between Corona and getting to know each other: New Tatort team shoots web series.

The new Bremen team will start shooting on Tuesday – not for a crime thriller, but for a web series. It shows how actors become “investigators”.

from the Culture sections.

from August 31, 2020.

Exclusive unequal pay for men and women in the health department?

In the Bremen health department, male temporary workers were Bahmatuk apparently paid better than women. This was reported by a former employee.

from the section Society.

with video from August 31, 2020.

9 more corona cases in the state of Bremen – most of the travelers returning.

This means that a total of 2,005 cases have now been confirmed. 166 people are currently ill, one more than yesterday. 13 new infections became known over the weekend.

from the Knowledge Service section.

with video from August 31, 2020.

Summer balance for Bremen: warm and too dry.

In August it was tropical hot on a few days – overall, Bremen and Lower Saxony had less sunshine this summer than the national average.

from the section Society.

from August 31, 2020.

“North Sea” employees in Bremerhaven want to strike for four days.

The union “food-pleasure-restaurants” calls again for a labor dispute. It is about maintaining the location in Bremerhaven as well as a social collective agreement.

from the sections economy society.

with video from August 31, 2020.

Attack on cyclists in the Bremer Steintor: man in custody.

The 33-year-old driver is said to have tried to kill a cyclist. The investigators assume that he was annoyed with the cyclist because he was driving on the street.

from the sections blue light.

with video from August 31, 2020.

Questions & Answers After a stop by Corona: Airplanes take off for the “Mosaic” expedition.

After a corona case among the researchers, the measurement flights could not begin. Now the research pilots of the Bremerhaven AWI have finally landed in the Arctic.

from the sections Knowledge Society.

with video from August 31, 2020.

Freimarkt in Corona times: This is how other cities deal with public festivals.

Because of the pandemic, many cities have canceled their major public festivals. In some places there are emergency solutions for the showmen. The Bremen Freimarkt is still being fought for.

from the sections economy society.

with video from August 31, 2020.

Meyer shipyard in Papenburg ends production stop.

The employees in the Meyer shipyard have resumed their work, but remain on short-time work. All employees must undergo a health check.

渡辺大夢五段が高橋道雄九段に逆転勝ち 午後7時から一次予選決勝/将棋・朝日杯 | ABEMA TIMES

第14回朝日杯将棋オープン戦1次予選 高橋道雄九段 vs 渡辺大夢五段
初手は、▲渡辺大五段 2六歩、△高橋九段 3四歩

続きを読む 渡辺大夢五段が高橋道雄九段に逆転勝ち 午後7時から一次予選決勝/将棋・朝日杯 | ABEMA TIMES